Monday, June 26, 2006

I gave in...

... and bought an iPod. I was trying to wait until Microsoft came out with something. I mean, I really did... but I doubt they will come out with anything halfway decent until they have driven all competitors out of the market. So, I figure I should be good with my purchase for a couple of years at least.

It's really amazing having my entire CD colection on such a little tiny thing. I have an FM cradle in my truck and I just plug it in and instantly I can listen to any CD I own... and... umm... a couple I don't.

I'll also be able to put some of my picture son it so I can carry them around. I have replaced lugging around 200 odd CDs and a portfolio. I can even put a few of my rare, yet precious videos on it.

I bought it at Circuit City. I won't be going back there again. The people are absolute idiots. I had to wait 20 minutes, even though I knew exactly what I wanted and where it was, just because it was in a case that needed a special key to be unlocked and there were luddites there coming out of their shell and computer shopping and needing everything from the keyboard on up explained to them in excrutiating detail.

The one cool thing about Circuit City though is that when you walk in they have a camera that projects your entry on a giant screen television right in the middle of the store. The image was so large and clear that I was able to identify and fix my open zipper. Thank you for saving me from that embarrassment Circuit City!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Bunny Blockade

Day 4 - Supplies are running thin. The natives are restless. Except for the potatoes, I have fed all of my vegetables to them, yet still they eye me with their evil stare. I dare not leave. The first to go was the phone, then the power. I am only just able to get this out with a jury-rigged battery I've made out of vinegar, paper clips and the few remaining precious potatoes I have.

There is no escape. They have a patience that defies mortal creatures. They speak to themselves in hushed whispers. I have tried to keep track of the changing of the guard, but they are wiley and blessed with near endless endurance, showing no fatigue, only an insatiable hunger.

Bunny Blockade

I must make my last box of Cheese Nips last. The next to go will be the water supply. I have filled the tub and sinks just in case. Should be enough to last me until I starve to death.

My candle is just a nub. I don't know why no one notices it in my window. The rent is due the first of the month. If only I can hold out a couple more weeks until the landlord comes looking for his check. I hope someone reads this. I hope I am able to get it somewhere before my potatoes give out. I only wish I would have... wait... they're scratching on the door... they're co

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Isn't she purdy?

I think I am in love. She was hand delivered yesterday. She may be a bit heavy, but she has curves in all the right places.I strapped on my gear and took her for her maiden voyage. A grand two-and-a-half mile tour of the neighboring blocks.

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There were people out in droves. I didn't realize that 7pm was prime jogging time. Not only on the sidewalks, but it looked like a street fair as I wended my way through the joggers, letting the engine make that cool 'blub-blub-blub' sound.

I really didn't do too much, what with all the people and the mass amount of traffic that sprung from nowhere. It would be my luck to run into a sidewalk or street sign with 50 witnesses that I live right next to. So, I am awaiting this Sunday, in the early morning, when I will take her out again on the clear streets and head to a parking lot for some desperately needed bonding time.

Hopefully I pulled off the "I'm just resting here" look well enough to fool everyone when she mysteriously stalled out on my steep driveway. I'm sure I nailed the "Hmm.. something appears to be amiss with my shiney new bike" as I scratched my head, tried every button, twisted every knob, checked the oil and gas levels of this bright beauty that wouldn't start again. I hope the cop that drove by understands that I was merely testing my ability to push her uphill in the highly unlikely case that I would ever need to do such a thing at some point in the future.

I'm sure everyone realizes that my bike is in my parking spot and my truck is on the street in front of the house not because I can't move the bike over the curb and onto the grass, but rather, that I think such a thing of beauty deserves the parking spot of honor for the time being. Look and marvel at her bright shininess! Be in awe of my masterful recovery as, just this afternoon, I sat on her bountiful seat and, remembering to release the clutch this time, she started up with a lustful growl. She will be mine... oh yes... she will be mine!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Insert Title Here

Well, I completed my basic motorcycle course today. It was a weekend course and boy is my ass sore. 12 hours on a little 125cc bike. But, I must say that it was worth every penny. I missed one out of 50 on the written test, but pretty well everyone else missed the same question I did, so I don't feel too bad. Got a perfect score on the skills test.

The first day out a girl bit it. Not too hard, but she seemed pretty shaken up. Didn't come back today, which is kind of sad. She was the only one there who said their mom was totally against them getting a license.

One guy was from Portugal, but he looked totally like Latka. We mentioned it at the end and he laughed and said that a lot of people told him that... Who is Latka anyway? Well, we pointed him in the right direction and let him know that if he had been here about 30 years ago, he could have been a star.

On an aside, on my way to class, I stopped at a deli to get a sandwich to take with me for lunch. On the TV there was this show on that was about some guy hunting. It showed him shooting a deer and then dragging it away to where he was going to skin and butcher it. Some old guy who was also in line said, "Turn the channel, I don't want to watch some guy killing deer."

They turned the channel to CNN, where it was showing various reporter footage of shootings in the Middle East. Dead bodies and blood all over the streets. The guy said, "That's better."