Sunday, June 11, 2006

Insert Title Here

Well, I completed my basic motorcycle course today. It was a weekend course and boy is my ass sore. 12 hours on a little 125cc bike. But, I must say that it was worth every penny. I missed one out of 50 on the written test, but pretty well everyone else missed the same question I did, so I don't feel too bad. Got a perfect score on the skills test.

The first day out a girl bit it. Not too hard, but she seemed pretty shaken up. Didn't come back today, which is kind of sad. She was the only one there who said their mom was totally against them getting a license.

One guy was from Portugal, but he looked totally like Latka. We mentioned it at the end and he laughed and said that a lot of people told him that... Who is Latka anyway? Well, we pointed him in the right direction and let him know that if he had been here about 30 years ago, he could have been a star.

On an aside, on my way to class, I stopped at a deli to get a sandwich to take with me for lunch. On the TV there was this show on that was about some guy hunting. It showed him shooting a deer and then dragging it away to where he was going to skin and butcher it. Some old guy who was also in line said, "Turn the channel, I don't want to watch some guy killing deer."

They turned the channel to CNN, where it was showing various reporter footage of shootings in the Middle East. Dead bodies and blood all over the streets. The guy said, "That's better."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Muslims - The other white meat...

You can only show killin' on TV if it's two legged kind.

Latka was the character played by Andy Kaufman on "Taxi", right?

5:27 PM  

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