Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I have an amazing talent...

... in the aftermath of relationships, I leave a wide swathe of destruction in my wake...

It's a gift I suppose... go figure. Wouldn't have known had there not been someone to point it out to me...

I always wished I had a cool superpower... I guess this is it...

So.. if you *really* are pissed at some chick.. and you want to make her so angry she could explode... just introduce her to me...

Oh yeah... I work on commission... so spread the word...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Back in New Jersey

Well, Colorado was beautiful. Denver rocks! I spent a lot of time just enjoying the great outdoors. What a change from here. It has, however, made me think of actually doing a bit more local exploring. I have a lot of mundane, touristy pictures.. nothing of great quality... especially since there was dust on my camera sensor, anything with sky in it looks like there are great, black dots all over. But, they are good for the memories.

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